Who we are
The “Mobility and Childhood Seminar” (Seminario Movilidad e Infancia) is a working group made up of professionals in urban planning, education, mobility management, road safety and public health, as well as representatives of various administrations, universities and research centres, consultancies and civil organisations (environmental, voluntary, educational…) and non-governmental organisations involved in the development of policies and programmes aimed at promoting active, safe and autonomous mobility for children and defending their rights.
The “Mobility and Childhood Seminar” has been working and meeting annually since 2012, with the support of CENEAM, the National Centre for Environmental Education, under the Spanish Ministry of Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge.
The following organisations, which are members of the “Mobility and Childhood Seminar“, together with various professionals, are promoting the proposal: Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal), Coordinadora en Defensa de la Bici (ConBici), Confederación Española de Asociaciones de Padres y Madres de Alumnado (CEAPA), Asociación de Viandantes A Pie, the group “La ciudad de los niños” of Acción Educativa, Grupo de Estudios y Alternativas Gea21 and the Environmental Health Committee of the Asociación Española de Pediatría (Spanish Association of Paediatrics).
The initiative is supported by Ciudades que Caminan, Concello de Pontevedra, Ecologistas en Acción, Foro Andando, Greenpeace España, Teachers For Future Spain, Red de Ciudades por la Bicicleta, Ciudades Amigas de la Infancia of UNICEF Spain, Federación Iberoamericana de Urbanistas (FIU), PostCarCity and Madres por el Clima.
The Mobility and Childhood Seminar is made up of professionals from different fields and representatives of the following institutions.
- Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal)
- ConBici – Coordinadora en defensa de la Bici
- CEAPA – Confederación Española de Asociaciones de Padres y Madres de Alumnado
- A Pie, Asociación de Viandantes
- Grupo “La Ciudad de los Niños”, Acción Educativa
- Gea21-Grupo de Estudios y Alternativas
- Asociación Española de Pediatría – Comité de Salud Medioambiental
10 measures
Find out!
Here you can read the 10 basic proposals that every school environment and municipality should achieve to ensure safe and healthy school environments.
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Evaluate your municipality
Do you dare?
To help municipalities and schools to become safe and healthy for children, we have designed a self-assessment checklist. Do you dare to find out where your municipality or school environment stands?
Learn more
Make a difference!
What can you do?
In recent decades, the urban model that prioritises mobility in private vehicles has led to a loss of autonomy for children to move around and enjoy public space, with negative impacts on their development and health. It is necessary to promote a positive transformation of school environments and routes, and you can contribute to this positive change. Find out how!